Note: today's post is on a slightly different note. Not 'serious' but related to something that is very important to me.
I've been a vegetarian for six years now, and don't miss meat one bit. I've been wanting to commit to veganism for about a year now, but haven't for two reasons: cheese (honestly, I eat way too much of it); and the fact that my school dining hall doesn't have a lot of vegan options.
This week I watched the film Cowspiracy and I can honestly say that it has changed how I think about food in general, and particularly about animal agriculture. This morning I had cereal with milk, and couldn't bring myself to finish the milk. That's when I knew it was about time for me to fully commit to veganism.
I'm not one to tell people how to live their lives, but it is frustrating when meat eaters don't know the facts about animal agriculture. So I would encourage you to do some reading, watch Cowspiracy, and see if you still feel like eating a steak for dinner. Just learn the facts and then decide for yourself.
x B

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